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Tips and Tricks to Surviving Black Friday in Boston

Navigating the streets of Boston is a challenge in itself, let alone hitting all of the shopping destinations on the ultimate shopping holiday.  A lot of planning is involved when getting ready for Black Friday, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1.    Avoid malls

Most of the best deals can be found outside of malls! For avoiding larger crowds, try to visit individual retailer locations.  Pursuing shopping destination such as Newbury Street, Charles Street, and Boylston Street are all less spots that are less densely populated, yet have no shortage of the best boutiques.

2.   Free Stocking Stuffers

Many drug store chains such as, CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid have deal which include free items great for stocking stuffers. Some past items that have been free include: name-brand cosmetics, nail polish, and snacks.

3.   Plan a budget

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but you can lose mind of this in the heat of Black Friday. So be sure to know what deals to target, and how much money to spend.

4.      Check Retailer's Social Media Pages

Make sure to check the Facebook and Twitter pages of retailers for real-time offers and updates. Many promotion codes can be found on these pages, and always check newspapers for Black Friday offers.

5.      Take Advantage of Cyber Monday

A less popular shopper ritual than Black Friday, Cyber Monday is when online retailers are looking to reel in consumers with great deals. This day is great for anyone looking for holiday deals while avoiding the stress, crowds, and traveling involved with Black Friday.

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