The Boston Globe came baring good news today in the form of a front page article. This article presented plenty of facts and figures supporting the idea that now is the time to sell. Last year at this time there were nearly double the number of condos on the market. Now there are just over 500 condos for sale in all of Boston, a severe drop in numbers. This means buyers are looking for anything they can get their hands on and we're back to good old fashioned bidding wars.
Property values are on the rise and sellers are making top dollar on their homes. In Downtown and Back Bay, condo prices are at an all time high. A result of the simple principle of supply and demand. Condos are going quickly, a true sellers market right now.
But don't freak out buyers, there are still homes out there for you and you should probably hop on them now before you see an even greater rise in property values.
So if you've been considering selling, or buying now is the time to do it!
We have both sellers and buyers guides to help you understand the process and we would be happy to help you buy or sell your home!
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