In today's rainy and snowy weather we're all wishing for a little bit of sunshine. While wishing for sunny weather here's a wish list of things people would love to have in a condo.
1. Breakfast nook
Beside the fact that having a nook is just adorable and convenient, it's also fun to decorate. The nook is the perfect place to read the paper in the morning or relax later in the day with a cup of coffee or glass of lemonade. You can put a small table and a couple chairs with some nice cushions in your nook and include matching curtains. Hang a pendant light from the ceiling and the ideal breakfast nook is complete!
2. Day bed
Day beds are great. Plain and simple. Couch by day, bed by night. We're not saying you need to sleep on your day bed, but the option is always nice for you or a guest. They bring a real homey and cozy feel to any room. They're not for the formal living room, but having one in a guest bedroom or even in your own bedroom will be very welcoming to any guests you may have in your condo.
3. Spacious laundry room
No one likes to do laundry, we know that, but if you're going to do laundry you might as well make it pleasant. Having a laundry room directly in your condo is always convenient and it's even better when you have space to move and relax. Sometimes being cramped can be a little stressful and tense when you're already doing a task you don't enjoy, but having the extra room to move will make the chore more enjoyable.
4. Closet space
No one will ever turn down closet space! The more closets the better. You can hide away the clutter and store seasonal clothes, decorations, and whatever else you're not using right that second. Home owners never fail to fill up their closet space, and even if it's not full, with time you'll find plenty of things to keep in your closets. Walk-ins are ideal but one more closet can never hurt, no-matter what size.
5. Built-in Storage
Built-ins come with all the functionality of a closet, but they look charming while they do it! They act like large cupboards and can alter the entire look of a room. Different colors and wood finishes make built-ins blend and accent any space. Built-ins usually act great under bay windows and create a wide windowsill at the same time, perfect for displaying whatever you'd like.
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